SuperDARN Data

Several types of data and summary plots are available for the Christmas Valley, Oregon SuperDARN radars, including real-time and archival data. Please contact the PI for specific data requests.


RTI Summary Plots

Range-Time Intensity (RTI) summary plots show various Doppler parameters (velocity, power, spectral width, elevation angle, etc.) as a function of range and time for 24-hour periods. Click on image for menu.

Fan Plots

Summary fan plots showing Doppler parameters over the Oregon fields-of-view for radar scans. Click on image for menu.

Diagnostic Plots

Summary diagnostic plots showing details of radar operations for 24-hour periods. Click on image for menu.

Data Requests

Requests for data from the Oregon (Christmas Valley East and Christmas Valley West) or Iceland (East and West) radars should be made to:
Name Phone Email
S. G. Shepherd 603.646.0096

Please contact the PI before using any plots in a scientific presentation or paper.