Photo Gallery
Photo gallery of various lab activities including the completed MSI
SuperDARN radar build in the desert of Oregon and the beginnings of
a build in the Azores.
Oregon MSI Radar Trips
July 29 - Aug 3, 2012
Azores MSI Radar Build
April 10-17, 2012
Ponta Delgada: Photos taken while in Ponta Delgada (briefly).
Graciosa: Photos taken while on Graciosa Island.
Terceira: Photos taken while on Terceira Island.
Terceira: More photos taken while on Terceira Island.
Pico: Photos taken while on Pico Island.
Pico: More photos taken while on Pico Island.
Oregon MSI Radar Build
December 7, 2011
Fly-over: Photos by Philip M. Barrett, Project Manager,
Oregon Renewable Energy Center, Oregon Institute of Technology, taken from a
National Guard Chinook helicopter.
August 30 - September 4, 2011
Maintenance Trip: Photos from solo trip to install grounding
rods, organize remnants from build, inspect and repair any damages.
Construction Movie
A movie of various construction phases of the Oregon MSI SuperDARN

Wide Screen .mov (149 MB)
Phase 5 - January 23-30, 2011
Finishing Touches:
Photos of final trip to install remaining phasing cards and play with the radars.
Phase 4 - November 21-26, 2010
Electronics and First-Light:
Photos of trip to integrate electronics and power up the radars.
Phase 3 - October 7-8, 2010
Transmitters and Trenches:
Photos of assembling transmitters and pulling cables in trenches.
Phase 3 - October 4-6, 2010
Main Antenna Arrays:
Photos of attaching antennas and constructing the reflector curtains for the
main arrays.
Phase 2 - September 16-17, 2010
Tensioning, Antennas, and Reflector Curtains:
Photos of tensioning the poles, attaching antennas, and constructing the
reflector curtain for the interferometer arrays.
Phase 2 - September 15, 2010
Tension Bars:
Photos of attaching the tensioning bars to the tensioning poles.
Phase 2 - September 15, 2010
Pole Raising:
Photos of poles being raised and attached to the piers.
Phase 2 - September 9-14, 2010
Pole Prepping:
Photos of prepping poles before being raised and set on piers.
Phase 1 - August 22-27, 2010
Site Preparation:
Photos of first phase of construction at site near Christmas Valley, Oregon.
Lab Prep - July-August, 2010
Photos of pre fabrication activities, Thayer School of Engineering.
Survey Visit - June, 2010
Photos of visit for preliminary site survey.
Site Finding Mission - March, 2010
Photos of site finding mission to central Oregon.