2011 SuperDARN Workshop
A survey of plasma irregularities seen by the mid-latitude Blackstone SuperDARN radar
A.J. Ribeiro, J.M. Ruohoniemi, J.B.H. Baker, L.B.N. Clausen, R.A. Greenwald
Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
abstract. The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network is a chain of HF radars that monitor plasma dynamics in the ionosphere. In recent years, SuperDARN has expanded to mid-latitudes in order to provide enhanced coverage during geomagnetically active periods. However, once the radar was built, a new type of plasma irregularity with low Doppler velocity was observed on a very frequent (> 50% of nights) basis. Using three years of data from the Blackstone, VA radar, we have implemented a method for automatically identifying this new type of irregularity. This has allowed for some statistical analysis, which has revealed some interesting features. Specifically, these irregularities are confined to local night, are almost entirely subauroral, and are equatorward of the plasmapause boundary.