2011 SuperDARN Workshop       

Circular TTFD array design for omni-directional FoV

B. Bienvenu, J. Devlin, E. Custovic, J. Whittington
Department of Electronic Engineering, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia

abstract. With the enhanced capabilities of the TIGER-3 platform, and a vastly superior signal to noise ratio, the latest TIGER transceivers have the potential to be utilised effectively to study sea-state conditions, in addition to regular SuperDARN operations. A circular design allows great flexibility in the use of the system. For instance the RADAR could provide 3 or more beams from a central east coast location, (ie. Effectively 3 or more radars) with one beam looking poleward overlapping the FoV of the current RADARs, one beam looking equatorward to monitor low latitude activity, and a third beam looking eastward over the Pacific Ocean.

The operation of the RADAR with the enhanced sensitivity would allow common mode operations to be interspersed with the sea-state measurements in a versatile operational sequence.

Sakaguchi KaoriNICT Japan