How to cite: Shepherd, S. G. (2014), Altitude-adjusted corrected geomagnetic coordinates: Definition and functional approximations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 7501–7521, doi:10.1002/2014JA020264. AACGM-v2 Software v2.7 20241122 CHECK OUTPUTS IDL Instructions: 1. Download the coefficients and put them in a convenient directory 2. Set the environment variable AACGM_v2_DAT_PREFIX to the directory that you are storing the coefficients in AND include the prefix of the coefficient files, i.e., aacgm_coeffs-14- e.g., AACGM_v2_DAT_PREFIX=/directory_you_put_coefficients_in/aacgm_coeffs-14- Note that if you used the old AACGM software from JHU/APL you should have a similar variable that is already set. 3. Untar the contents of the .tar file into a directory 4. Setup the magnetic field model by putting the GUFM1/IGRF coefficients file (magmodel_1590-2025.txt) somewhere or leaving them in the current directory and setting the environment variable IGRF_COEFFS to the fully qualified path, i.e., IGRF_COEFFS=/directory_you_put_IGRF_coefs_in/magmodel_1590-2025.txt 5. Test software by running test.idl by typing: idl test.idl from the command line. The output should be self-explanatory. Any errors should be reported to Looking at test.idl will give you an idea of how to use the software. The main function, cnvcoord_v2(), is intended to be a direct replacement for the equivalent function, cnvcoord(), but with more options. The following is a description of the function cnvcoord_v2() taken from ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; pos = cnvcoord_v2(inpos,[inlong],[height], [/GEO], [/TRACE], [/BAD_IDEA) ; ; Note on input arguments: ; the routine can be called either with a 3-element floating ; point array giving the input latitude, longitude and height ; or it can be called with 3 separate floating point values ; giving the same inputs. ; The input array can also be given in the form inpos(3,d1,d2,...) ; ; Keywords: ; geo - set this keyword to convert from AACGM to geographic ; coordinates. The default is from geographic to AACGM ; trace - perform the slower but more accurate field line tracing ; to determine the coordinate conversion at all ; altitudes. This feature is new and still in beta form. ; allow_trace - perform field line tracing for altitudes above 2000 km. ; The default is to throw an error if the altitude is ; above 2000 km. Because the tracing requires geopack ; to be installed, it is not acceptable to just load ; the required geopack functions. ; bad_idea - field line tracing is forced above 2000 km unless this ; keyword is set, in which case the coefficients will be ; used to extrapolate above the maximum altitude that ; is intended. Note that results can be nonsensical when ; using this option and you are acknowledging it by ; setting this keyword. ; ; Output: ; pos - a vector of the same form as the input with ; latitude and longitude specified in degrees and ; the distance from the origin in Re To compute the magnetic local time (MLT) of a given point requires knowledge of the magnetic longitude and the time (UT). An example of computing MLT is: e = AACGM_v2_SetDateTime(yr,mo,dy,hr,mt,sc) ; set time p = cnvcoord_v2(glat,glon,hgt) ; compute AACGM-v2 coordinates of point m = mlt_v2(p[1]) ; compute MLT of point using AACGM-v2 lon Note that AACGM-v2 longitude is much less sensitive to altitude; maximum difference of <1 degree (5 min in MLT) over the range 0-2000 km. For this reason there is no height passed directly into the MLT routine. The value of AACGM-v2 longitude does change with altitude and variations of MLT with altitude above a given geographic location do exist. In order to use this software you must compile the following IDL libraries: and the IGRF14 coefficients (igrf14coeffs.txt) must be identified by the environment variable IGRF_COEFFS This package include the following files: AACGM IDL software: README.txt ; this file release_notes.txt ; details of changes to v2.7 ; user functions ; internal library functions ; general purpose functions ; internal IGRF functions ; internal date/time functions ; astronomical algorithms ; magnetic local time functions igrf14coeffs.txt ; IGRF14 coefficients (1900-2025) magmodel_1590-2025.txt; magnetic field coefficients (1590-2025) test.idl ; idl driver script for testing LICENSE-AstAlg.txt ; license file for Astro algrorithms