SD Time Allocation Request Form

To submit a SuperDARN experiment request please complete the form below
and send it via email to the Scheduling Working Group: darn-swg at
Note that scheduling requests must be received at least 8 weeks before
the first day of the month in which the experiment is to be performed.
See the Radar Scheduling Procedure
for additional details.
SUPERDARN TIME ALLOCATION REQUEST FORM EXPERIMENT PI: [person requesting the experiment] REQUESTING INSTITUTE: [institution of experiment PI] EXPERIMENT TITLE: MONTH: [month (and year) of request, e.g. January 2XXX] PERIOD: [dates and UT intervals of request] EXPERIMENT OBJECTIVES: SCIENTIFIC JUSTIFICATION: [including supporting campaigns, geophysical conditions, etc.] COLLABORATORS: [list of experiment collaborators] RESPONSIBLE SUPERDARN PI: [a SuperDARN PI who can speak for this experiment] RADARS: [radar names or IDs for which experiment is requested] CONTROL PROGRAMS TO BE RUN: [a brief description is required for new or non-standard radar operating modes] *** NEW REQUEST *** RADAR(S) CONTROL PROGRAM HAS BEEN TESTED ON: [which radar(s) has the new control program been successfully run on?] [Provide initial analysis and justification the control program is scientifically useful.] *** REPEAT REQUEST *** [Provide justification for continuing to schedule this experiment, including evidence that data has been analyzed and control program is scientifically useful.] COULD EXPERIMENT BE RUN AT ANOTHER TIME: [Yes or No] Please contact the responsible SuperDARN PI with any questions about this form. END OF FORM
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number AGS-1524667. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.