
This page tracks the current membership of the SuperDARN Scheduling Working Group. Radar codes in brackets following a member's name and institution indicate that person is responsible for uploading schedule files to the radar(s). Please contact Evan Thomas if you are interested in joining the working group as either a member or observer.
Evan Thomas (Dartmouth College)
Xiang Deng (NSSC/CAS) [hje hjw jme lje ljw sze szw]
Tomoaki Hori (Nagoya University)
Keisuke Hosokawa (University of Electro-Communications)
David Miller (Penn State University) [kod ksr mcm sps]
Remington Rohel (University of Saskatchewan) [cly inv pgr rkn sas]
Kevin Sterne (Virginia Tech) [bks gbr fhe fhw kap]
Mikko Syrjäsuo (UNIS) [lyr]
Jon Ward (SANSA) [san]
Bill Bristow (Penn State University)
Alex Chartier (JHU/APL) [wal]
Gareth Chisham (BAS) [fir]
Mike Kosch (SANSA)
Jianjun Liu (PRIC) [zho]
Aurélie Marchaudon (IRAP/CNRS) [ker]
Stefano Massetti (INAF/IAPS) [dce dcn]
Kathryn McWilliams (University of Saskatchewan)
Nozomu Nishitani (Nagoya University) [hok hkw]
Mike Ruohoniemi (Virginia Tech)
Simon Shepherd (Dartmouth College) [cve cvw ice icw]
Jim Whittington (La Trobe University) [bpk tig unw]
Tim Yeoman (University of Leicester) [han]
Akira Sessai Yukimatu (NIPR) [sye sys]
Jiaojiao Zhang (NSSC/CAS)
"Unrepresented" Radars:
Past Chairs:
Gareth Chisham (2007-2016)
Dieter André (2000-2007)
Catherine Senior (1997-2000)
Mark Lester (1994-1997)
The mailing list for the SWG along with other SuperDARN mailing lists are operated by Nagoya University. The DARN-SWG mailing list can be accessed here:
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number AGS-1524667. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.