Control Program IDs

This page contains information about the allocation of radar control program identifiers, or CPIDs. A searchable database of CPIDs from 1993-2023 can be found here:
CPID Allocation by Country/Institution | ||
Country/Institution | Special | Discretionary |
Common Programs | 100 - 999 | -100 - -999 |
APL / Dartmouth / Virginia Tech | 1000 - 1999 | -1000 - -1999 |
BAS / Lancaster | 2000 - 2999 | -2000 - -2999 |
Canada | 3000 - 3999 | -3000 - -3999 |
France / Italy | 4000 - 4999 | -4000 - -4999 |
NIPR | 5000 - 5999 | -5000 - -5999 |
Leicester | 6000 - 6999 | -6000 - -6999 |
South Africa | 7000 - 7499 | -7000 - -7499 |
Norway | 7500 - 7999 | -7500 - -7999 |
Australia | 8000 - 8999 | -8000 - -8999 |
Alaska / Penn State | 9000 - 9999 | -9000 - -9999 |
NICT / Nagoya | 10000 - 10999 | -10000 - -10999 |
NSSC, CAS | 11000 - 11999 | -11000 - -11999 |
PRIC | 12000 - 12999 | -12000 - -12999 |
Stereo Programs | 20000 - 29999 | -20000 - -29999 |
This more detailed information is originally extracted from:
Report of the SuperDARN Scheduling Working Group
(July 2000 - June 2001)
Dieter Andre
Catherine Senior.
Originally the RCP identifiers were allocated per country according to the following scheme, plus some additional rules, as follows [from Mike Pinnock]:
1) All common time programs should lie within the range 100 - 999.
Each common distinct common program should start at a multiple of 100.
At the moment we only have 1 common program, normal_scan, which is 1xx.
[At present 150 is used for normal_scan. We now have a second common
program, fast_scan, with number 151].
This allows us to have 100 revisions of a common program before we run into
trouble. I think this is probably going to be enough.
2) All Special time programs will have POSITIVE id numbers greater than 1000,
with the basic number scheme following Julian's suggestions.
There is one difference: Special time programs would occupy the entire 1000 value
range. For example, Special programs generated by APL would run from 1000 - 1999.
3) All Discretionary Time programs will have NEGATIVE id numbers. If the program
is actually the same as a common mode program, then it will have the negative
value of the equivalent common mode program.
Thus, normal_scan -di, which is the discretionary version of normal_scan would
have an id of -1xx. All discretionary time programs that are NOT equivalent to a
common mode program, will have negative numbers starting at -1000. Thus, for example,
APL discretionary time programs would have numbers from -1000 to -1999.
NOTE: The id number should identify the group that wants to run the program, but not
necessarily the radar on which it is running. That is, if George Sofko wants to run a
discretionary mode on the Kapuskasing radar, his program would have an id such as
-31xx even though the radar is an APL radar.
Since that time a number of new radars have been built, and some do not have
numbers allocated under the present scheme. These include Alaska, Australia, and
A complete reallocation of the numbers is complicated by the fact, that some of the
numbers have already been used for special and discretionary programs, and must
therefore be preserved.
The cp_id in the dat and fit files is a 2-byte number, therefore we cannot go higher
than 32000.
Also, it has happened, that in some programs the cp_id was left at the number for
normal_scan. This will give analysis problems, because this is the most convenient
way to identify a program. The other way is via the comment buffer, and I do not know,
if this has always been changed consistently.
Resolutions of the SWG Meeting at Venice, May 2001
- We will continue to change the Radar Control Program on a 2-hour boundary.
- From now on up to 10 days of High Time Resolution Common Mode will be scheduled.
These 10 days consist of the 5 days "normal" HTR plus a maximum of 5 days for
Cluster support.
- We will try to avoid frequent RCP changes by filling in the gaps between short
Cluster HTR periods with "normal" HTR periods as much as possible.
- The following new RCP ranges have been assigned:
Australia: 8000-8999
Alaska: 9000-9999
Italy: will use the French numbers until further notice
CRL [Japan]: 10000-10999, but may consider to use the Alaska numbers.
- An RCP's ID will only be increased, if the RCP scans differently.
- Other modifications [e.g. due to changes in ROS support] will be reflected by the
version number in the comment buffer.
- At the moment the ID for normal_scan is 150; the ID for fast_scan is 151 and 152
for Stereo
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number AGS-1524667. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.