2011 SuperDARN Workshop       

A case study of coordinated THEMIS-SuperDARN observations of field line resonances

E.R. Talaat (1) and T. Sarris (2)
(1) The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
(2) University of Colorado

abstract. The THEMIS mission, consisting of a five‐probe constellation, was launched in 17 February 2007 to study substorms; however its instrumentation and the alignment at close distances among some of the THEMIS probes, particularly in the first period of its mission, provides unique opportunities to characterize ULF pulsations in the magnetosphere. At the same time, the SuperDARN radar network provides measurements of ionospheric convection at high temporal and spatial resolution, that are not bounded by the rotation and attenuation that the ionosphere inflicts to the magnetic signatures detected on the ground. In this presentation, we show a case study of coincident measurements of ULF waves using in-situ magnetic and electric field measurements at multiple L-shells near the equator using the THEMIS spacecraft and remotely sensed convection with SuperDARN during February 2008.

Sakaguchi KaoriNICT Japan