SuperDARN Dissertations & Theses

This page contains an archive of SuperDARN-related dissertations and theses.

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Author: Abooalizadeh, Zahra
Year: 2015
Title: Long-term variations in the high-latitude plasma flows inferred from SuperDARN radar data
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Agaba, Doreen
Year: 2012
Title: Calibration of a SuperDARN radar antenna by means of a satellite beacon
Advisor: Michael R. Inggs & Pierre J. Cilliers
Affiliation: University of Cape Town, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Amundsen, Andreas
Year: 2016
Title: Do atmospheric waves transport aurorally produced NO down to the middle atmosphere?
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Andersen, Carl S.
Year: 2005
Title: Characteristic behavior of the dayside aurora in the minutes leading up to substorm onset: Evidence for external triggering of substorms by the interplanetary magnetic field
Advisor: Charles S. Deehr
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: André, Raphaël
Year: 1997
Title: Study of fine structures in the ionospheric convection recorded by SuperDARN: Structure with high velocity divergence
Advisor: Jean-Paul Villain
Affiliation: Orléans University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Atilaw, Tsige Y.
Year: 2022
Title: An investigation of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) in the SANAE HF radar data
Advisor: Zama T. Katamzi-Joseph & Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: Rhodes University, South Africa
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Backer-Owe, Kåre
Year: 2016
Title: Behaviour of the S1 and S2 components of the semidiurnal tide in the MLT
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Baddeley, Lisa J.
Year: 2003
Title: Wave-particle insteractions in the terrestrial magnetosphere
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Baker, Chloe J.
Year: 2023
Title: Application of SuperDARN Assimilative Mapping technique to TS18 plasma convection model
Advisor: Simon G. Shepherd
Affiliation: Dartmouth College, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Balaji, Mrinal S.
Year: 2007
Title: Design and implementation of novel radar modulations for the SuperDARN radar at Kodiak Island, Alaska
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Ballatore, Paola
Year: 2001
Title: Relationship between solar, interplanetary, and geomagnetic activities
Advisor: Jean-Paul Villain
Affiliation: Orléans University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Bankole, Peter O.
Year: 2019
Title: Study of the polar cap plasma flows with the Clyde River SuperDARN radar
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Barnes, David
Year: 2017
Title: Forecasting and modelling the terrestrial effects of space weather using STEREO and CMAT2
Advisor: Alan Aylward, Chris Scott & Jackie Davies
Affiliation: University College London, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Barris, Tighe
Year: 2017
Title: Modelling and resolving of the ambiguous angle of arrival measurements of the SANAE IV SuperDARN radar
Advisor: Daniel W. O'Hagan, Michael J. Kosch & Jonathan Ward
Affiliation: University of Cape Town, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Barth, Vigdis L.
Year: 2009
Title: Identification and tracking of extreme electron densities by EISCAT Svalbard radar and SuperDARN
Advisor: Jøran I. Moen & Kjellmar Oksavik
Affiliation: University of Oslo, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Barthès, Laurent
Year: 1993
Title: Study of ionospheric plasma instabilities
Advisor: Jacques Citerne
Affiliation: Paris 11 University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Benkevitch, Leonid V.
Year: 2005
Title: Effects of ionospheric conductance in high-latitude phenomena
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Benz, Susanne
Year: 2010
Title: Identification of simultaneous Pc5 events
Advisor: A. David M. Walker & Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa & University of Konstanz, Germany
Degree: MS

Author: Besser, Veronika
Year: 2000
Title: An investigation of small-scale relationships between optical and HF radar aurora
Advisor: Roger W. Smith
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Bhatt, Asti N.
Year: 2004
Title: Ionospheric radar observations of heater-induced field-aligned irregularities
Advisor: Charles M. Swenson
Affiliation: Utah State University, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Billett, Daniel D.
Year: 2019
Title: The great space weather washing machine: Examining the dynamics of high-latitude ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
Advisor: James A. Wild & Adrian Grocott
Affiliation: Lancaster University, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Bland, Emma C.
Year: 2016
Title: High frequency remote sensing of Pc5 ultra-low frequency waves using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network
Advisor: Andrew J. McDonald
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Bond, Giles E.
Year: 1997
Title: The interaction of radio waves with the auroral ionosphere
Advisor: Terence R. Robinson
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Borderick, James D.
Year: 2011
Title: Ionospheric signatures of ultra low frequency waves
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman & Stephen E. Milan
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Bryson, Gwendolyn R.
Year: 2009
Title: Winds and the meteors that burn for them
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MS

Author: Carter, Brett A.
Year: 2011
Title: HF radar observations of E-region plasma waves in the sub-auroral, auroral and polar regions
Advisor: Roman A. Makarevich & Svetlana Petelina
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Chakraborty, Shibaji
Year: 2021
Title: Characterization and modeling of solar flare effects in the ionosphere observed by HF instruments
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Chapana, Randi S. H.
Year: 2012
Title: The relative influence of solar radiative and solar geomagnetic variation on the dynamics of the polar upper mesosphere
Advisor: Robert E. Hibbins
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Chen, Xiang-Cai
Year: 2017
Title: A study of dayside open/closed field line boundary dynamics using simultaneous ground-based optical and HF radar observations
Advisor: Dag A. Lorentzen & Jøran I. Moen
Affiliation: The University Centre in Svalbard & University of Oslo, Norway
Degree: PhD

Author: Chen, Yuanming
Year: 2008
Title: Multi-spectral-peak detection algorithm for autocorrelation functions of radar signals
Advisor: Simon G. Shepherd
Affiliation: Dartmouth College, USA
Degree: MS

Author: Chifoto, Perfect P.
Year: 2015
Title: Mesosphere-lower thermosphere planetary and tidal waves structure over the southern hemisphere using SANAE and Halley SuperDARN HF radar
Advisor: Sivakumar Venkataraman & Nkanyiso B. Mbatha
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Chowdhury, Mahamudul
Year: 2015
Title: The influence of the solar wind dynamic pressure and of the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field on the magnetic storm index
Advisor: Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Coco, Igino
Year: 2005
Title: Studio degli effetti di impulsi di pressione dinamica del vento solare sulla ionosfera aurorale e polare con i radar della rete SuperDARN
Advisor: Ermanno Amata
Affiliation: University of Siena, Italy
Degree: PhD

Author: Conroy, James P.
Year: 2022
Title: Contemporary ionospheric scintillation studies: Statistics, 2D analytical and 3D numerical inversion
Advisor: Amir I. Zaghloul & Wayne A. Scales
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Cooper, Joel
Year: 2006
Title: A 50 MHz FMCW radar for the study of E-region coherent backscatter
Advisor: Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Cousins, Ellen D. P.
Year: 2012
Title: Statistical analysis and empirical modeling of large- and small-scale plasma drifts in Earth's high-latitude ionospheres
Advisor: Simon G. Shepherd
Affiliation: Dartmouth College, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Currie, Julie L.
Year: 2017
Title: Dynamics of HF radar backscatter in the middle and high latitude ionospheres
Advisor: Colin L. Waters, Murray D. Sciffer & Fred W. Menk
Affiliation: University of Newcastle, Australia
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Custovic, Edhem
Year: 2018
Title: Phase measurement, optimisation and calibration of a high frequency over the horizon radar
Advisor: John C. Devlin & Jim S. Whittington
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Dai, Wei
Year: 2000
Title: Meteor wind wave analysis of SuperDARN observations
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Danskin, Donald W.
Year: 2003
Title: HF auroral backscatter from the E and F regions
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: David, Timothy W.
Year: 2017
Title: Investigation of plasma upwellings from the Earth's upper atmosphere during the International Polar Year 2007 campaign
Advisor: Darren M. Wright & Stephen E. Milan
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: de Larquier, Sebastien
Year: 2013
Title: The mid-latitude ionosphere under quiet geomagnetic conditions: propagation analysis of SuperDARN radar observations from large ionospheric perturbations
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Demissie, Teferi D.
Year: 2013
Title: The vertical structure and source regions of large and small scale waves in the middle atmosphere
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Dhillon, Ranvir S.
Year: 2002
Title: Radar studies of natural and artificial waves and instabilities in the auroral ionosphere
Advisor: Terence R. Robinson
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Dixon, Kristoffer C.
Year: 2014
Title: Analysis of refractive effects on mid-latitude SuperDARN velocity measurements
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Dlamini, Mbali
Year: 2023
Title: An investigation into skynoise parameter of the SANAE SuperDARN radar
Advisor: Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MS

Author: Dougal, Emily R.
Year: 2013
Title: Mapping of the quasi-periodic oscillations at the flank magnetopause into the ionosphere
Advisor: Katariina Nykyri
Affiliation: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Draper, Natalie C.
Year: 2005
Title: Multi-instrument magnetospheric substorm studies
Advisor: Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Drayton, Robyn A.
Year: 2006
Title: Study of SAPS-like flows with the King Salmon SuperDARN radar
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Dusterwald, Thomas
Year: 2016
Title: Implementation of a low cost demonstrator HF riometer on a flexible FPGA backend
Advisor: Daniel W. O'Hagan, Michael Kosch & Jonathan Ward
Affiliation: University of Cape Town, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Eglitis, Paul
Year: 1994
Title: Radar studies of small-scale E-region plasma irregularities
Advisor: Terence R. Robinson
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Eltrass, Ahmed S. H.
Year: 2015
Title: The mid-latitude ionosphere: Modeling and analysis of plasma wave irregularities and the potential impact on GPS signals
Advisor: Wayne A. Scales
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Eriksson, Tommy
Year: 2003
Title: Wave pulsations in the magnetosphere and their dependence on the solar wind
Advisor: A. David M. Walker & Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Degree: MSURL

Author: Fenrich, Frances R. E.
Year: 1997
Title: The field line resonance: Observation and theory
Advisor: John C. Samson
Affiliation: University of Alberta, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Fiori, Robyn A. D.
Year: 2012
Title: Application of spherical cap harmonic analysis to plasma convection mapping at high latitudes
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov & David H. Boteler
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Fogg, Alexandra R.
Year: 2021
Title: SuperDARN observations of high latitude electrodynamics in the terrestrial ionosphere
Advisor: Mark Lester & Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Forsyth, Colin
Year: 2009
Title: Bursty bulk flows and substorm-time magnetotail dynamics
Advisor: Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Forsythe, Victoriya V.
Year: 2017
Title: High frequency backscatter from the polar and auroral E-region ionosphere
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Foucault, Etienne
Year: 2020
Title: Propagation of high-frequency radio waves in the mid-latitude ionosphere
Advisor: Aurélie Marchaudon & Pierre-Louis Blelly
Affiliation: Toulouse 3 University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Friedrich, Erena
Year: 2002
Title: Dynamics of the substorm expansive phase
Advisor: John C. Samson
Affiliation: University of Alberta, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Frissell, Nathaniel A.
Year: 2016
Title: Ionospheric disturbances: Midlatitude Pi2 magnetospheric ULF pulsations and medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Fæhn Follestad, Anna
Year: 2020
Title: Forecasting space weather effects on GNSS systems
Advisor: Lasse B. N. Clausen
Affiliation: University of Oslo, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Galeschuk, Draven T.
Year: 2021
Title: Verification and calibration of the ICEBEAR radar through GPU acceleration, noise characterization and calculation, and radio galaxy phase calibration
Advisor: Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Gallardo-Lacourt, Beatriz I.
Year: 2016
Title: Properties of mesoscale flows in the nightside auroral and subauroral ionosphere
Advisor: Lawrence R. Lyons
Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Gane, Stuart C.
Year: 2011
Title: Continuous pulsation dynamics in the high-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere system
Advisor: Darren M. Wright & Terence R. Robinson
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Gasparini, Sara
Year: 2019
Title: Statistical properties of backscatter from the Longyearbyen SuperDARN radar
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy & Emma C. Bland
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Gauld, Jonathan K.
Year: 2000
Title: Studies of the signatures of magnetospheric substorms in coherent backscatter radars
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ghezelbash, Mohsen
Year: 2013
Title: Occurrence and causes of F-region echoes for the Canadian PolarDARN/SuperDARN radars
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Gillies, Deborah M.
Year: 2012
Title: Global-scale observations of changes in ionospheric echo occurrence and convection during periods of increased solar wind activity and increased geomagnetic activity
Advisor: Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice & Kathryn A. McWilliams
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Gillies, Robert G.
Year: 2006
Title: Modelling of transionospheric HF radio wave propagation for the ISIS II and ePOP satellites
Advisor: Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Gillies, Robert G.
Year: 2010
Title: Transionospheric signal modelling for ePOP and SuperDARN
Advisor: Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Goodbody, Brendan C.
Year: 2014
Title: Radar and optical studies of small scale features in the aurora: The association of optical signatures with naturally enhanced ion acoustic lines (NEIALs)
Advisor: Betty S. Lanchester
Affiliation: University of Southampton, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Goodwin, Lindsay V.
Year: 2013
Title: F-region dusk ion temperature spikes at the equatorward edge of the high latitude convection region
Advisor: Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Goodwin, Lindsay V.
Year: 2018
Title: Radar and satellite characterization of the ionosphere under strong electric field conditions
Advisor: Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Gorin, James D.
Year: 2008
Title: Velocity of decameter electrojet irregularities under strongly driven conditions
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Goudarzi, Atousa
Year: 2009
Title: Space and ground based studies of transpolar arcs
Advisor: Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Gounden, Harmeshan
Year: 2022
Title: Observations of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) by the SANAE SuperDARN radar for 2013
Advisor: Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MS

Author: Granstedt, Gry E.
Year: 2021
Title: Solar cycle influence on the semi-diurnal tide in the mesosphere-lower themosphere
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Gray, Christopher P.
Year: 2019
Title: Improving a Super Dual Auroral Radar Network reflector though directivity characterisation
Advisor: P. Gideon Wiid & Michael J. Kosch
Affiliation: Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Greenwood, Robert I.
Year: 2010
Title: Wind-wave mapping of the southern ocean using the TIGER SuperDARN radars
Advisor: Murray L. Parkinson & Peter L. Dyson
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhD

Author: Grocott, Adrian
Year: 2002
Title: Radar observations of convection in the nightside high-latitude ionosphere
Advisor: Stanley W. H. Cowley
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Herlingshaw, Katie
Year: 2021
Title: Characterising mesoscale fast flow channels in the polar cap ionosphere
Advisor: Lisa J. Baddeley, Kjellmar Oksavik & Dag A. Lorentzen
Affiliation: The University Centre in Svalbard & University of Bergen, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Hill, Madison A.
Year: 2018
Title: Solar flare detection in SuperDARN data
Advisor: Simon G. Shepherd
Affiliation: Dartmouth College, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Hird, Fraser C.
Year: 2019
Title: High frequency radio wave transionospheric propagation polarization studies from the RRI-SuperDARN experiment
Advisor: Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Hiyadutuje, Alicreance
Year: 2016
Title: Ionospheric disturbances during magnetic storms at SANAE
Advisor: Judy A. E. Stephenson & Zama T. Katamzi-Joseph
Affiliation: Rhodes University, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Hiyadutuje, Alicreance
Year: 2022
Title: The effects of traveling ionospheric disturbances on SuperDARN near range echoes
Advisor: Michael J. Kosch & Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Hogue, Christopher M.
Year: 2003
Title: Comparative study on the use of coherent radar-derived electric fields vs. statistical electric fields for the initialization of a high-latitude ionospheric model
Advisor: Clark Groves
Affiliation: Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Holliday, Michael J.
Year: 2007
Title: Modeling and analysis of ionospheric current systems formed in response to sudden impulse events
Advisor: Simon G. Shepherd
Affiliation: Dartmouth College, USA
Degree: MS

Author: Hoque, S.N.M. Azizul
Year: 2014
Title: Open-closed magnetic field line boundary identification using directional derivatives of SuperDARN convection flow
Advisor: Frances R. Fenrich
Affiliation: University of Alberta, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Hosokawa, Keisuke
Year: 2003
Title: Observational studies on the high-latitude ionospheric plasma irregularities
Advisor: Toshihiko Iyemori
Affiliation: Kyoto University, Japan
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Hovland, Amalie Ø.
Year: 2021
Title: Mesoscale convection associated with a polar cap arc event: Multi-instrument and regional data assimilation results
Advisor: Kjellmar Oksavik & Jone P. Reistad
Affiliation: University of Bergen, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Hu, Jiahui
Year: 2024
Title: Development of data assimilation for analysis of ion drifts during geomagnetic storms
Advisor: Seebany Datta-Barua
Affiliation: Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Humberset, Beate K.
Year: 2017
Title: Scale size-dependent characteristics of the magnetosphere-ionosphere system using auroral imaging
Advisor: Jesper Gjerloev & Kjellmar Oksavik
Affiliation: University of Bergen, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Hutchinson, James A.
Year: 2014
Title: Geomagnetic storms over the last solar cycle: A superposed epoch analysis
Advisor: Darren M. Wright & Stanley W. H. Cowley
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Huyghebaert, Devin R.
Year: 2013
Title: Solar wind influences on properties of the ionosphere
Advisor: Kathryn A. McWilliams
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Huyghebaert, Devin R.
Year: 2019
Title: The Ionospheric Continuous-wave E-region Bistatic Experimental Auroral Radar (ICEBEAR)
Advisor: Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ibáñez, Karina E. B.
Year: 2009
Title: Observations of polar cap patch substructures by EISCAT Svalbard radar
Advisor: Jøran I. Moen & Kjellmar Oksavik
Affiliation: University of Oslo, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Imber, Suzanne M.
Year: 2008
Title: Auroral and ionospheric flow measurements of magnetopause reconnection during intervals of northward interplanetary magnetic field
Advisor: Stephen E. Milan & Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Iserhienrhien, Blessing
Year: 2016
Title: On the origin of close-range E region echoes observed by SuperDARN HF radars in the mid- and high latitudes
Advisor: Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice & Pavlo V. Ponomarenko
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ishida, Tetsuro
Year: 2007
Title: Propagation of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs): simultaneous observations at auroral and mid latitudes
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Jafari, Ramin
Year: 2013
Title: SuperDARN parameter estimation optimization and implementation of new techniques
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: James, Matthew K.
Year: 2015
Title: ULF waves driven by recently-injected energetic particle populations
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman & Darren M. Wright
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Joshi, Pratik P.
Year: 2015
Title: Ion-neutral coupling in the geomagnetically disturbed mid-latitude ionosphere as observed by SuperDARN HF radars and NATION Fabry-Perot interferometers
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Karmand, Sharareh
Year: 2007
Title: Eigenstructure analysis
Affiliation: University of Alberta, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Kashimoto, Tomoka
Year: 2008
Title: Study of generation mechanism of polar cap patches by using measurements of HF radars and an airglow imager
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Kellerman, Adam C.
Year: 2012
Title: High-energy auroral particle precipitation and plasma convection during substorms
Advisor: Roman A. Makarevich & John C. Devlin
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Kelley, Ian J.
Year: 2022
Title: Medium scale travelling ionospheric disturbances sensed with GNSS TEC and SuperDARN
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Kennedy, Paul S.
Year: 2019
Title: Design of software defined radio for SuperDARN radar
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Kimura, Yota
Year: 2017
Title: Motion and structure of polar cap aurora as visualized by multiple all-sky cameras
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Krcelic, Patrik
Year: 2024
Title: The electrodynamics of fine scale aurora and associated Joule heating
Advisor: Robert C. Fear, Daniel Whiter & Betty S. Lanchester
Affiliation: University of Southampton, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Kunduri, Bharat S. R.
Year: 2013
Title: A study of interhemispheric magnetic conjugacy and large scale magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling using SuperDARN radars
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Lamarche, Leslie
Year: 2017
Title: Plasma irregularity production in the polar cap F-region ionosphere
Advisor: Roman A. Makarevich
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Lane, James H.
Year: 2022
Title: Dusk-dawn convection asymmetries in the Earth's magnetotail: The influence of IMF By and transient dynamics
Advisor: Adrian Grocott
Affiliation: Lancaster University, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Laurens, Hannah
Year: 2019
Title: Plasma flow boundaries in the high-latitude ionosphere
Advisor: Adrian Grocott
Affiliation: Lancaster University, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Lawal, Hammed A.
Year: 2017
Title: Long-term variations in HF radar backscatter
Advisor: Mark Lester & Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Leonard, J. M.
Year: 1991
Title: The phenology of Antarctic F-region irregularities
Affiliation: British Antarctic Survey, UK
Degree: MS

Author: Liang, Jun
Year: 2004
Title: Multi-instrument studies of ionospheric and magnetospheric processes
Advisor: George J. Sofko
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Lie, Henrik B.
Year: 2019
Title: Decameter scale irregularities in the polar ionosphere
Advisor: Lasse B. N. Clausen
Affiliation: University of Oslo, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Liu, Heng
Year: 2010
Title: Study of the high-latitude ionosphere with the Rankin Inlet PolarDARN radar
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Lointier, Guillaume
Year: 2008
Title: Toward a real time monitoring of magnetospheric regions using the SuperDARN coherent HF radar network
Advisor: Thierry Dudok de Wit & Christian Hanuise
Affiliation: Orléans University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Luque, Lidia
Year: 2020
Title: Multi-instrument investigation of spectral width in the polar ionosphere
Advisor: Lisa J. Baddeley & Patrick J. Espy
Affiliation: The University Centre in Svalbard & Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: M'mame, Bernard
Year: 2018
Title: Analysis of possible Pc5 pulsations during times of known TRINNI events
Advisor: A. David M. Walker & Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MS

Author: Ma, Zhen G.
Year: 2009
Title: Ion velocity distributions in inhomogeneous and time-dependent auroral situations
Advisor: Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: MacWilliam, Kathleen
Year: 2020
Title: Design of an HF transmit antenna for bistatic ionospheric soundings in Antarctica
Advisor: Francois Schonken, Michael J. Kosch & Jonathan Ward
Affiliation: University of Cape Town, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Magnus, Lindsay G.
Year: 2009
Title: An analysis of Pc5 pulsations observed in the SuperDARN radar data
Advisor: A. David M. Walker & Jon P. S. Rash
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Maimaiti, Maimaitirebike
Year: 2019
Title: Driving influences of ionospheric electrodynamics at mid- and high-latitudes
Advisor: J. M. Ruohoniemi & J. B. H. Baker
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Makarevich, Roman
Year: 2003
Title: Formation of small-scale irregularities in the auroral E region
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov & Andrei I. Smolyakov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Malhotra, Garima
Year: 2014
Title: HF radar observations of inter-annual variations in mid-latitude mesospheric winds
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Maphaha, Fulufhelo K.
Year: 2010
Title: Mapping of magnetospheric electric fields from Cluster into ionospheric convection from SuperDARN using the Tsyganenko field model
Advisor: Sadhasivan R. Pillay & Lindsay R. Magnus
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Marchaudon, Aurélie
Year: 2000
Title: Electrodynamic coupling between the terrestrial magnetosphere and ionosphere: Correlation between ionospheric convection and field-aligned currents
Advisor: Jean-Claude Cerisier
Affiliation: Paris 11 University, France
Degree: MS

Author: Marchaudon, Aurélie
Year: 2003
Title: Dynamics of auroral structures in the dayside and in the nightside: Multi-instrument study of the coupling with the magnetosphere and the interplanetary medium
Advisor: Jean-Claude Cerisier
Affiliation: Versailles-Saint-Quentin University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Matthews, Joe T.
Year: 2005
Title: The role of ULF waves in energy transport in the magnetosphere
Advisor: Moritz Heimpel
Affiliation: University of Alberta, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Mazzino, Maria L. P.
Year: 2015
Title: Field line resonances in Earth's magnetosphere: A study of their observation, characterization and wave sources in the solar wind
Advisor: Richard D. Sydora
Affiliation: University of Alberta, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Mbatha, Nkanyiso B.
Year: 2012
Title: Study on 2002 sudden stratospheric warming, mesopher-lower thermospheric wind structure and dynamics and middle atmospheric structure, based on SuperDARN HF radar, LIDAR, riometer, satellites and models
Advisor: Sivakumar Venkataraman, Sandile B. Malinga, Sadhasivan Pillay & Hassan Bencherif
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: PhDURL

Author: McCubbin, Beth
Year: 2012
Title: Neutral wind determination from SuperDARN backscatter: Technique and application to the study of atmospheric waves and tides
Advisor: Simon G. Shepherd
Affiliation: Dartmouth College, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: McWilliams, Kathryn A.
Year: 2001
Title: Ionospheric signatures of dayside reconnection processes
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Mdibi, Lusanda Lunica
Year: 2019
Title: A land-based HF transmitter for ionospheric propagation studies using SuperDARN radars
Advisor: Michael Kosch, Robert van Zyl & Jonathan Ward
Affiliation: Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Michael, Chizurumoke
Year: 2020
Title: Analysis of high latitude ULF waves and HF radar performance for African equatorial latitude SuperDARN
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Minko, F. Sagouo
Year: 2013
Title: CubeSat mission design for characterising the dual auroral radar network (SuperDARN) field-of-view
Advisor: Robert van Zyl
Affiliation: Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Mirzaamin, Tina
Year: 2022
Title: Eastward-propagating planetary waves in SuperDARN radar wind observations
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy & Yvan J. Orsolini
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Miyoba, Webby
Year: 2006
Title: The application of wavelet techniques to the analysis of ultra low frequency (ULF) pulsations
Advisor: A. David M. Walker & Jon P. S. Rash
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MS

Author: Mori, Daniel T.
Year: 2012
Title: SuperDARN cross polar cap potential and parameters of the near-Earth space
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Morris, Alex
Year: 2014
Title: Design of a flexible and low-power ionospheric sounder
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Moses, Magdalina L.
Year: 2019
Title: Analysis of the effect of the August 2017 eclipse on the ionosphere using a ray-trace algorithm
Advisor: Gregory D. Earle
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Mthembu, Sibusiso H.
Year: 2010
Title: An investigation of ultra low frequency (ULF) pulsations using radar data and solar wind data
Advisor: Sandile B. Malinga, A. David M. Walker & Lindsay G. Magnus
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Mthembu, Sibusiso H.
Year: 2013
Title: Studies on atmospheric tides and planetary waves in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) region using SuperDARN HF radars and meteor radar
Advisor: Sivakumar Venkataraman, Sandile B. Malinga & Sadhasivan R. Pillay
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Mtumela, Zolile
Year: 2009
Title: An investigation of high velocity flows in HF radar data during northward interplanetary magnetic field, non-substorm intervals
Advisor: Jon P. S. Rash
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Mtumela, Zolile
Year: 2014
Title: An investigation of the nature of Pc5 pulsations using SuperDARN and magnetometer data
Advisor: A. David M. Walker & Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Nambala, Fred J.
Year: 2010
Title: Feasibility study of ionospheric tomography using HF radar
Advisor: Jon P. S. Rash & Lindsay R. Magnus
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Ndiitwani, Dzivhuluwani C.
Year: 2010
Title: Ultra low frequency (ULF) waves observed at mid to low latitudes during daytime using low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite and ground based data
Advisor: A. David M. Walker & Peter R. Sutcliffe
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Nedie, Abiyu Z.
Year: 2012
Title: ULF waves in the magnetosphere and their association with magnetopause instabilities and oscillations
Advisor: Frances R. Fenrich
Affiliation: University of Alberta, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Nguyen, Dat P.
Year: 2013
Title: Correlation between geomagnetic indices and cross polar cap potential measurements from SuperDARN
Advisor: Simon G. Shepherd
Affiliation: Dartmouth College, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Nguyen, Quang H.
Year: 2013
Title: Investigation and implementation of control and synchronisation algorithms for HF radar using multiple digital transceivers
Advisor: John C. Devlin & Jim S. Whittington
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Nguyen, Quang X.
Year: 2001
Title: HF antenna design for TIGER
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhD

Author: Nguyen, Thanh
Year: 2014
Title: Spectrum Difference Function technique for measuring radar target velocity
Advisor: John C. Devlin, Guang Deng & Darrell Elton
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ngwane, Ntlakanipho
Year: 2016
Title: Studies on the short term planetary wave activity in the MLT region over the southern hemisphere using SuperDARN HF radar
Advisor: Sivakumar Venkataraman
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: MS

Author: Ngwane, Ntlakanipho
Year: 2017
Title: An investigation on the thermospheric temperature and wind structure in relation to auroral precipitation
Advisor: Zolile Mtumela & Michael J. Kosch
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Degree: PhD

Author: Okamura, Kazu
Year: 2018
Title: Study of polar cap patches by using airglow observations near the magnetic north pole: response to CME and CIR
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Oksavik, Kjellmar
Year: 2002
Title: A study of temporal and spatial variations in the polar cusp/cleft region using multi-instrument techniques
Advisor: Finn Soraas & Jøran I. Moen
Affiliation: University of Bergen & University Courses on Svalbard, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ozaki, Naoki
Year: 2016
Title: Derivation of field-aligned currents by combining IMAGE FUV and SuperDARN
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Pandey, Aayush
Year: 2023
Title: SuperDARN antenna upgrade at the South Pole Antarctica
Advisor: James K. Breakall & William A. Bristow
Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Parker, James
Year: 2018
Title: Application and evaluation of EDAM with assimilated GPS total electron content in the European sector
Advisor: Eleri Pryse
Affiliation: Aberystwyth University, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Parris, Richard Todd
Year: 2003
Title: Design and implementation of a meteor tracking retrofit system for the HF radar at Kodiak Island, Alaska
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Perron, Patrick
Year: 2014
Title: Contribution of ion temperature anisotropy and velocity shears in the direct generation of small-scale irregularities in the high-latitude F-region
Advisor: Jean-Marc Noël
Affiliation: Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Perry, Gareth W.
Year: 2010
Title: Optimization of a 50 MHz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar system for the study of auroral E-region coherent backscatter
Advisor: Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Perry, Gareth W.
Year: 2015
Title: Large scale plasma density perturbations in the polar F-region ionosphere
Advisor: Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Pfeifer, Jeff B.
Year: 2008
Title: A SuperDARN study of steady magnetospheric convection
Advisor: Kathryn A. McWilliams
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Pramodkumar, Neeraj
Year: 2013
Title: Large-scale observations of the spatial and temporal dynamics of quiet-time sub-auroral polarization streams using SuperDARN HF Radars
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Provan, Gabrielle
Year: 1998
Title: Coherent scatter radar observations of field line resonances and flux transfer events
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Rae, Iain J.
Year: 2000
Title: Joint ground/space observations of transient phenomena associated with the polar cusp
Advisor: Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Raghavendar, Changalvala
Year: 2005
Title: Design of a receiver for measurement of real-time ionospheric reflection height
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Rathod, Chirag
Year: 2021
Title: Examining plasma instabilities as ionospheric turbulence generation mechanisms using pseudo-spectral methods
Advisor: Bhuvana Srinivasan & Wayne A. Scales
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ravindran Varrier, Nitya
Year: 2010
Title: Ray tracing analysis for the mid-latitude SuperDARN HF radar at Blackstone incorporating the IRI-2007 model
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Raymer, Katie M.
Year: 2018
Title: Influences on the location of the Earth's magnetopause
Advisor: Suzanne M. Imber & Stephen E. Milan
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Reed, Kristian
Year: 2017
Title: Study of meso-scale reversed flow events in the polar ionosphere by SuperDARN radars
Advisor: Kjellmar Oksavik
Affiliation: University of Bergen & The University Centre in Svalbard, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Reidy, Jade A.
Year: 2019
Title: An investigation into the fine-scale structure of polar cap aurora using ground-based and spacecraft instrumentation
Advisor: Robert C. Fear
Affiliation: University of Southampton, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Reimer, Ashton S.
Year: 2018
Title: Improved SuperDARN radar signal processing: A first principles statistical approach for reliable measurement uncertainties and enhanced data products
Advisor: Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Reistad, Jone Peter
Year: 2016
Title: Mechanisms responsible for asymmetric aurora between the conjugate hemispheres
Advisor: Nikolai Østgaard & Kjellmar Oksavik
Affiliation: University of Bergen, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ren, Jiaen
Year: 2022
Title: Characteristics and generation mechanism of polar cap patches: Multi-instrument observations
Advisor: Shasha Zou
Affiliation: University of Michigan, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ribeiro, Alvaro J.
Year: 2011
Title: An examination of ionospheric plasma irregularities detected by the mid-latitude SuperDARN radars
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Ribeiro, Alvaro J.
Year: 2013
Title: SuperDARN data simulation, processing, access, and use in analysis of mid-latitude convection
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Rinne, Yvonne
Year: 2006
Title: EISCAT observations of reversed flow events in the cusp ionosphere
Advisor: Jøran I. Moen
Affiliation: University of Oslo, Norway
Degree: MS

Author: Rinne, Yvonne
Year: 2010
Title: EISCAT Svalbard Radar studies of meso-scale plasma flow channels in the polar cusp ionosphere
Advisor: Jøran I. Moen & Per Even Sandholt
Affiliation: University of Oslo, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ronksley, Amy
Year: 2016
Title: Optical remote sensing of mesoscale thermospheric dynamics above Svalbard and Kiruna
Advisor: Anasuya Aruliah & Alan Aylward
Affiliation: University College London, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Saisho, Takashi
Year: 2014
Title: Multiple-scale radio and optical imaging observations of polar cap aurora
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Salim, Tariq
Year: 2003
Title: Design, synthesis and implementation of a phased array transmitter using reconfigurable devices for SuperDARN class radars
Affiliation: La Trobe University, Australia
Degree: PhD

Author: Samseth, Ingvild
Year: 2013
Title: Solar and lunar tides in the MLT
Advisor: Robert E. Hibbins
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Schiffler, Andreas
Year: 1996
Title: SuperDARN measurements of double-peaked velocity spectra
Advisor: George J. Sofko
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Schwab, Robert D.
Year: 2007
Title: Energy dispersed ion signatures at auroral and subauroral latitudes
Advisor: George J. Sofko & Kathryn A. McWilliams
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Scoffield, Hannah C.
Year: 2005
Title: Ultra low frequency waves in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system: A joint space- and ground-based investigation
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Scoular, Grant
Year: 2013
Title: Polar cap ionospheric oscillations in the ULF frequency range observed with SuperDARN HF radar
Advisor: Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice & Pavlo V. Ponomarenko
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Sedeh, Leila N.
Year: 2014
Title: Doppler clutter in HF radar systems produced by ULF waves
Advisor: Colin L. Waters, Murray D. Sciffer & Fred W. Menk
Affiliation: University of Newcastle, Australia
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Shand, Brian A.
Year: 1996
Title: Statistics of E-region backscatter and investigations of auroral convection signatures
Advisor: Tudor B. Jones & Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Sharma, Arvind
Year: 2007
Title: A DMSP satellite study of magnetospheric plasma convection and particle precipitation states during passage at Earth of interplanetary magnetic clouds monitored by the Wind spacecraft
Advisor: Per Even Sandholt & Charles J. Farrugia
Affiliation: University of Oslo, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Shergill, Harmaninder
Year: 2007
Title: A statistical study of high-latitude artificial field-aligned irregularities
Advisor: Terence R. Robinson
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Shi, Xueling
Year: 2019
Title: Occurrence statistics and driving mechanisms of ionospheric ultra-low frequency waves observed by SuperDARN radars
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Shimizu, Satoshi
Year: 2006
Title: Analysis of spatio-temporal variations of traveling ionospheric disturbances with multiple radar observations
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Simon, Michelle R.
Year: 2016
Title: Using SuperDARN to predict polar irregularities that cause GPS scintillation
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Slapgaard, Jon K.
Year: 2021
Title: Solar forcing of planetary waves
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Smith, Dallin R.
Year: 2020
Title: An investigation of electromagnetic waves in the ocean and ionosphere using the finite-difference time-domain method
Advisor: Simpson, Jamesina J.
Affiliation: University of Utah, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Smith, Lois K.
Year: 2016
Title: Data analysis of the high-energy ion tail in Earth's plasmasphere
Advisor: Michael W. Liemohn
Affiliation: University of Michigan, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Starr, Gregory W. S.
Year: 2021
Title: Enabling statistical analysis of the main ionospheric trough with computer vision
Advisor: Joshua L. Semeter
Affiliation: Boston University, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Sterne, Kevin T.
Year: 2010
Title: Testing the re-designed SuperDARN HF radar and modeling of a twin terminated folded dipole array
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Stewart, Evan W.
Year: 2024
Title: Influence of plasma trails from hypersonic events on HF radar data capture
Advisor: Jonathan T. Black
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Stray, Nora H.
Year: 2015
Title: Planetary waves in the MLT: Vertical coupling and effects
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Strömberg, Frida
Year: 2017
Title: Formulating launch conditions for a sounding rocket
Advisor: Mykola Ivchenko
Affiliation: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Degree: MSURL

Author: Sugita, Rie
Year: 2009
Title: High-time resolution measurement of auroral breakup by an all-sky TV camera and HF radars in Iceland
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Svendsen, Ingvild
Year: 2021
Title: Correlation between the mean wind in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere and solar cycles
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: MSURL

Author: Taylor, John R.
Year: 1994
Title: The cause of magnetic disturbances in the Earth's ionosphere
Advisor: Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Thayer, Aidan
Year: 2023
Title: An observational study of Southern Hemisphere poleward moving radar auroral forms using 2021 SuperDARN data
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Theurer, Timothy E.
Year: 2012
Title: Ray tracing applications for high-frequency radar: Characterizing artificial layers and background density perturbations in the ionosphere
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Theurer, Timothy E.
Year: 2020
Title: High-latitude over-the-horizon radar applications
Advisor: William A. Bristow
Affiliation: University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Thomas, Evan G.
Year: 2012
Title: Dynamics of the geomagnetically disturbed ionosphere as measured by GPS receivers and SuperDARN HF radars
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Thomas, Evan G.
Year: 2016
Title: Morphology and dynamics of storm-time ionospheric density structures
Advisor: Joseph B. H. Baker & J. Michael Ruohoniemi
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Thorolfsson, Adalbjorn
Year: 2000
Title: The solar wind control of transient ionospheric convection events in the dayside region
Advisor: Jean-Claude Cerisier
Affiliation: Paris 6 University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Throp, Katie
Year: 2005
Title: Coupling of upstream solar wind features to dayside auroral ionospheric events
Advisor: Betty S. Lanchester & Michael Lockwood
Affiliation: University of Southampton, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Toderian, Sarah
Year: 2015
Title: Modellling the geometric structure of the magnetic field in the nightside magnetosphere
Advisor: George J. Sofko & Glenn C. Hussey
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Tuttle, Sam A.
Year: 2017
Title: Quantitative modelling of fine scale auroral emissions and electric fields at sub-second resolution
Advisor: Betty S. Lanchester
Affiliation: University of Southampton, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ullrich, Sydney
Year: 2020
Title: Trends in occurrence of polar cap SuperDARN echoes and electron density variations in the ionosphere
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Vallières, Xavier
Year: 2002
Title: Turbulence scales in the high-latitude ionosphere and their signatures upon echoes detected by SuperDARN HF radars
Advisor: Jean-Paul Villain
Affiliation: Orléans University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: van Caspel, Willem E.
Year: 2022
Title: Atmospheric tides in the mesosphere and lower themosphere: Meteor radar observations and mechanistic tidal model simulations
Advisor: Patrick J. Espy & Robert E. Hibbins
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: van Zyl, Willem
Year: 2020
Title: Development of an RF listening mode on the Tiger-3 FPGA platform
Advisor: Andrew Wilkinson, Michael J. Kosch & Jonathan Ward
Affiliation: University of Cape Town, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: van der Meeren, Christer
Year: 2013
Title: A multi-instrument study of GPS scintillation in the nightside polar cap over Svalbard
Advisor: Kjellmar Oksavik
Affiliation: University of Bergen, Norway
Degree: MS

Author: van der Meeren, Christer
Year: 2016
Title: Mesoscale ionospheric plasma irregularities and scintillation over Svalbard
Advisor: Kjellmar Oksavik & Dag A. Lorentzen
Affiliation: University of Bergen & The University Centre in Svalbard, Norway
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Vickers, Hannah M. S.
Year: 2011
Title: Radar observations of artificial ionospheric modification effects
Advisor: Terence R. Robinson & Darren M. Wright
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Victorin, Amalia
Year: 2007
Title: Multitaper method for spectral analysis and signal reconstruction of solar wind data
Advisor: A. David M. Walker & Judy A. E. Stephenson
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Degree: MSURL

Author: Villain, Jean-Paul
Year: 1985
Title: HF coherent radar study of ionization irregularities in auroral and polar F region
Advisor: Jean Delloue
Affiliation: Toulon University, France
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Walach, Maria-Theresia
Year: 2017
Title: Ionospheric convection and auroral responses to solar wind driving
Advisor: Stephen E. Milan & Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Wang, Jun
Year: 2013
Title: Spectral characterization of ionosphere scintillation: Algorithms and applications
Advisor: Yu Morton
Affiliation: Miami University, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Wang, Zihan
Year: 2021
Title: Dynamics and drivers of multi-scale storm-time ionospheric density structures
Advisor: Shasha Zou
Affiliation: University of Michigan, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Wessel, Matthew R.
Year: 2017
Title: SuperDARN electrostatic potential function estimation of field-aligned currents
Advisor: George J. Sofko & Kathryn A. McWilliams
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Wharton, Samuel J.
Year: 2020
Title: ULF wave eigenfrequencies in the Earth's magnetosphere
Advisor: Darren M. Wright & Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Whittick, Emma L.
Year: 2011
Title: Studies of the high-latitude electric potential pattern in the CTIP model with radio tomography comparisons
Advisor: Eleri Pryse
Affiliation: Aberystwyth University, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Wild, James A.
Year: 2000
Title: Electrodynamics of the auroral ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms
Advisor: Timothy K. Yeoman
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Wilder, Frederick D.
Year: 2008
Title: Reverse convection potential saturation in the polar ionosphere
Advisor: C. Robert Clauer
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: MSURL

Author: Wilder, Frederick D.
Year: 2011
Title: The non-linear electrodynamic coupling between the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere
Advisor: C. Robert Clauer
Affiliation: Virginia Tech, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Wolpe, Luka
Year: 2022
Title: Implementation of the transmitting functionality on the TIGER-3 FPGA-based transceiver platform
Advisor: Willem Schonken, Michael J. Kosch & Jonathan Ward
Affiliation: University of Cape Town, South Africa
Degree: MSURL

Author: Woodfield, Emma E.
Year: 2002
Title: Studies of nightside spectral with behaviour from coherent high frequency radars
Advisor: Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Xu, Liang
Year: 2003
Title: SuperDARN-derived plasma convection: Comparison with other data and application to field-aligned current measurements
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Yakymenko, Kateryna N.
Year: 2017
Title: Solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field effects in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system
Advisor: Alexandre V. Koustov
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Yamakawa, Chika
Year: 2008
Title: Study of sun-aligned arcs with OMTIs and SuperDARN
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Yamano, Taiki
Year: 2007
Title: Simultaneous measurement of pulsating aurora with ground-based all-sky TV camera and SuperDARN
Advisor: Keisuke Hosokawa
Affiliation: University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Degree: MS

Author: Yan, Xi
Year: 2009
Title: Studies of the IMF and dayside reconnection-driven convection seen by PolarDARN
Advisor: George J. Sofko & Kathryn A. McWilliams
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Yang, Bing
Year: 2017
Title: Using the motion of patchy pulsating aurora to remote sense magnetospheric convection
Advisor: Eric Donovan
Affiliation: University of Calgary, Canada
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Ye, Gao
Year: 2012
Title: On the response of polar cap dynamics to its solar wind and magnetotail drivers at high levels of geomagnetic activity
Advisor: Raymond J. Walker
Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Yee, Ronald
Year: 1996
Title: A digital imaging system for auroral processes
Advisor: George J. Sofko & Hugh C. Wood
Affiliation: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Degree: MSURL

Author: Yukimatu, Akira S.
Year: 2002
Title: SuperDARN studies of polar upper atmosphere physics with high temporal resolution ACF measurements and raw time series analysis
Affiliation: Kyoto University, Japan
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Zesta, Eftyhia
Year: 1997
Title: Traveling convection vortices at cusp latitudes observed by the magnetometer array for cusp and cleft studies
Advisor: W. Jeffrey Hughes
Affiliation: Boston University, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Zou, Li
Year: 1997
Title: A modelling study of HF radar coherent detection of irregularities in the high-latitude ionosphere
Advisor: Mark Lester
Affiliation: University of Leicester, UK
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Zou, Shasha
Year: 2009
Title: Evolution of high latitude ionospheric convection associated with substorms: Multiple radar observations
Advisor: Lawrence R. Lyons
Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Author: Zou, Ying
Year: 2015
Title: Polar cap precursor of nightside meso-scale auroral enhancements
Advisor: Lawrence R. Lyons
Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Degree: PhDURL

Number of items: 251
(115 MS | 136 PhD)

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number AGS-1524667. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.